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Karen Dejo, actriz de "Talk Show", y cantante de dosvirgenes Gianina Picatoste.

Karen Dejo, actress of "Talk Show", and lead singer of dosvirgenes Gianina Picatoste.

Actriz de "Talk Show" Fiorella Rodríguez y actriz Tatiana Astengo.

Actress of "Talk Show" Fiorella Rodríguez and actress Tatiana Astengo.

Miguel Torres - Böhl y Karina Calmet, celebran la premiere de "Talk Show".

Miguel Torres - Böhl and Karina Calmet, celebrate the premiere of "Talk Show".

Actriz Laura Del Busto, Miguel Torres - Böhl, actor de "Talk Show",
y Cielo Garrido, productora ejecutiva de la película.

Actress Laura Del Busto, Miguel Torres - Böhl, actor of "Talk Show",
and Cielo Garrido, executive producer of the film.

Roger Del Águila, actor de "Talk Show", y actores Urpi Gibbons y Gianfranco Brero.

Roger Del Águila, actor de "Talk Show", and actors Urpi Gibbons y Gianfranco Brero.

Actress of "Talk Show", Fiorella Rodríguez, llega a la premiere vistiendo impresionante vestido creado por Ciro Taipe.

Fiorella Rodríguez, actress of "Talk Show", arrives to the premiere
dressing impressive garment created by Ciro Taipe.

Productora Ejecutiva, Cielo Garrido, y actriz de "Talk Show": Karina Calmet.

Executive Producer, Cielo Garrido, and actress of Talk Show: Karina Calmet.

Equipo Producción de "Talk Show": Alfonso Massa,
Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Rafael Alvarado y Jorge "Coki" Gálvez.

Production Crew of "Talk Show": Alfonso Massa,
Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Rafael Alvarado y Jorge "Coki" Gálvez.

El ingeniero y productor Luis Solórzano, el productor de "Talk Show"
Eduardo "Guayo" Cayo y el cineasta Nilo Pereyra.

The engineer and producer Luis Solórzano, the producer of "Talk Show"
Eduardo "Guayo" Cayo and the filmmaker Nilo Pereyra.
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