Posted by Sandro Ventura Mantilla in

Fiorella Rodríguez es Jimena, una mujer delirante, engreída y manipuladora.
Fiorella Rodríguez is Jimena, a delirious, conceited and manipulative housewife.
Fiorella Rodríguez is Jimena, a delirious, conceited and manipulative housewife.

Karina Calmet interpreta a Cecilia una insólita viuda con tendencia a la bipolaridad.
Karina Calmet is Cecilia, an unusual widow with trend to the bipolarity.
Karina Calmet is Cecilia, an unusual widow with trend to the bipolarity.

Miguel Torres - Böhl es el cándido Tereso, un empeñoso y enamoradizo oficinista.
Michael Torres - Böhl is the candid Tereso, an obliging and shy clerk.
Michael Torres - Böhl is the candid Tereso, an obliging and shy clerk.

Gonzalo Revoredo es Jorge, un éxitoso empresario dominado por su esposa y por su madre.
Gonzalo Revoredo is Jorge, a success businessman dominated by his wife and by his mother.

Roger Del Águila es Pablo, un mujeriego ofinista en pos de cualquier mujer que se le cruce.
Roger Del Águila is Pablo, an bad-mannered clerk always in search of women conquer.
Roger Del Águila is Pablo, an bad-mannered clerk always in search of women conquer.

Karen Dejo es Carla, una sensual secretaria en constantes problemas amorosos.
Karen Dejo is Carla, a sensual secretary in constant loving problems.
Karen Dejo is Carla, a sensual secretary in constant loving problems.

Pablo (Roger Del Águila) y Carla (Karen Dejo) se disponen a discutir
acaloradamente en una escena de la película peruana "Talk Show".
Pablo (Roger Del Águila) and Carla (Karen Dejo) prepare to discuss
Pablo (Roger Del Águila) and Carla (Karen Dejo) prepare to discuss
heatedly in a scene of the Peruvian movie "Talk Show".
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